Friday, July 14, 2017

A Camping Miracle

I just thought I’d share a mini-miracle that showed me God is real. Some of you know that I searched for spiritual answers awhile back and was agnostic for a second before returning to the faith of my youth.

Recently, I went on a camping trip with my family to Castle Rock campground in central Utah. We have camped there every summer for over 20 years. All my kids went and it was great. They didn’t argue as much and the long car ride was much more peaceful. We camped for two nights.

I slept in a tent with my teenage daughter with special needs. One night, she needed to pee really bad in the middle of the night. She was pressuring me to find a flashlight and zip open the tent so she could make it outside in time. I was flustered and tried to open the tent door quickly. This only got the zipper very stuck. My daughter was insistent that she get out of the tent and I was fighting with the zipper. I knew she would have an accident very soon if I didn’t get that tent door open…pronto.

Finally, I said a prayer aloud. And, as I did, I felt power course through me to the zipper and it opened as easy as butter to a hot knife. My daughter made it out of the tent just in the nick of time. I sat back in the tent, amazed at what had just occurred. Wow, God is real and He immediately answered my prayer in an unmistakable way. As I write this now, tears fill up my eyes. A few have overflowed.

If any of you wonder if God is real or if He really hears our prayers and can answer them, I am here to witness that He is real and that your prayers are indeed heard. Why did I have a time of spiritual doubt? I'm not really sure. But I know God knows why and that is good enough for me. My impression and hope is so that I will be an even better witness for Him. God knows I chose Him after looking at a lot of other options.

I had faith that God could open that tent zipper and I called upon God for His help. If God helped me with a tent zipper, how much more is He willing and interested in helping in even more important areas of our lives? In my experience, God is very interested in us and in our lives. Dang it, I can’t stop crying. This camping miracle was a spiritual breakthrough for me. I hope it will be for you.