Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Yard Sale Miracle of Four Items I Really Wanted


It was a drizzly day last Saturday here in northern Utah. The rain fell cold as it prepared for snow. In the morning, I had some free time. So, I decided to attend a yard sale (which I never do).

Recently, I have wanted four items: an electric skillet to cook in my room, a soft lap blanket for my recliner and two types of art easels: one to draw and color upright and a flat seated lap art desk. With these items in mind, I braved the raindrops with $20 in hand and went to a local yard sale.

The first item I eyed was an upright easel for $5. Next, I noticed an electric skillet. I asked if the skillet was used or new. Upon opening the box, we discovered the electric skillet was indeed new. I talked them down to $8. This was a fantastic deal as I had been eyeing electric skillets on Amazon for upwards of $40.

As I walked into the recesses of their garage, I found a soft lap blanket for a couple bucks. Lastly, I found a lap art desk like I had wanted. It was for $1. I found all four items I had wanted at this yard sale. Plus, I spent less than my $20 on them. I got a real bargain that day.

I began to ponder my experience from the day. Could it be coincidence? Really? Could it be the power of intention of which the former Wayne Dyer spoke? Could it be a higher power, God or the Universe?

I’ll let you decide that. But as for me, when I send out intentions of good things I desire out of my mind, the Universe or God provides. In fact, that has been my catch phrase lately: “God provides.”

If God or the Universe can help me go to the perfect local yard sale to get all four items I wanted at an amazing price, do you think that this higher power can help guide us to the perfect job or companion? I’m quite certain that this is a reality.

Let’s put our trust in a higher power and expect and look for miracles. I know the Universe will not disappoint or neglect us. God takes care of the little birds. These little birds don’t know where their next meal is coming from, where they will retire for the night, but I bet these little birds spend any time doubting that their needs will be met or even worry what their next move will be.

Doubt and worry are the antithesis of faith. In many faith traditions, the first principle is faith. We must first believe or be willing to take a step in the dark as we reach toward the light.

In this November month of Thanksgiving, let’s give our gratitude to the higher power without and within us. This higher power or Benevolent Force (as I choose to refer to this phenomenon) brought me the four items I wanted at a yard sale and is willing to give us hard lessons or life experiences from which to learn and grow. 

Let’s be full of faith, look to the heavens and be willing to dodge the raindrops to a yard sale perfectly prepared for us. Happy Thanksgiving!