Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Plan the Impossible

I thought this was appropriate for January and New Year’s Resolutions. I heard someone on the radio say today that God wants to do the impossible through us. But our planning usually revolves around what we can do on our own, not on what God can do through us.  We plan, we set goals, we resolve, but it is rarely to do the impossible. And if it is to do the impossible, we give up quickly without giving God the chance to see us to the end.

What if instead of making a New Year’s Resolution, we make a New Life Resolution? We become a new creature in God (2 Cor. 5:17.) Most of us believe in God…but do we believe Him (“Believing Christ” by Stephen Robinson)? Do we believe the things God says? Do we believe God is capable of fulfilling His promises? When He says nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:47), do we think it’s a nice quote or do we believe it with every fiber of our being, ready to press forward through any storm? How strong is our faith? How many of us carry burdens on our own when God has already carried them for us? God asks us come to Him with our heavy burdens and He will give us rest (Matt. 11:28).

My resolution this year is to get in better physical shape but perhaps I should seek to get in better spiritual shape, too. My goal to get in physical shape will be difficult for me as I have to be consistent every day for 6-8 months straight. I’m not very good at being consistent so this will be an impossible goal realized. I’m going to include God in my goals and pray God can work through me to do the impossible.