Monday, January 7, 2013

Sugar Cookies vs. Me

Last Thursday, I had a meeting with my nutrition coach at Max Muscle in Bountiful. I had good news. In two weeks time, I lost 5 pounds, lost 1” from my stomach and lost 2% body fat. I was feeling pretty psyched. Then came temptation. Duh Duh Duh.

My kids had been bugging me for a long time to go to Orange Leaf in Bountiful, a frozen yogurt store where you pile on the toppings and pay by the ounce. On Saturday, I decided to take them there. But I knew I had to be prepared or I might succumb.

I had just taken a class earlier that day from the Green Smoothie Girl so I decided to make a green smoothie and take it with me to the frozen yogurt store. When I got to the store, I noticed they had a sugar free chocolate frozen yogurt flavor. I tried a small taste of it and it tasted so sugary. I passed the frozen yogurt test.

Now on to the toppings. Everything looked so good, especially the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. But with green smoothie in hand, I walked past them and paid for my children’s creations and bought nothing for myself. Victory! But the war isn’t over.

Sunday came. I had long promised to do sugar cookies with my kids over the holidays. Not a good idea. Normally, I’m not into sugar cookies. But it’s been over 1 ½ months since I’ve had sugar and almost anything seems tempting. 

Sugar cookies involve the senses, in the patting, the rolling, the cutting, the decorating, sugar cookie dough all over my hands. I felt like I was surrounded by sugar cookies. I felt weak and had a small piece of dough. Then I wanted more but I forced myself to stop. But I felt weakened the rest of the night. How could I go on in my diet?

Later that night, I read in a local wellness magazine about a professional weight loss coach named Tamara Watt and her personal transformation. It was very inspiring. I went to her website and saw this quote: “The pain of staying the same became greater than the pain of change, so I changed!” It stopped me in my sugar cookie tracks. I don’t want to remain the same. I want to change, to become my personal best.

I began looking for motivational quotes that might help me get back on track. In all, I realized I need to recognize my limits and avoid temptation. I found a very applicable quote from Claudia Gray, Evernight: “Self-knowledge is better than self-control any day," Raquel said firmly. "And I know myself well enough to know how I act around cookies.” Amen, sister!

Do what you need to do to stay motivated. It may be hard now but you’ll thank yourself later. Albert Einstein said that insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” How bad do you want it? Are you willing to change in order to get what you want? I hope I can triumph and win the skirmishes and the war over myself. That’s the biggest victory of all.