Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Could You Describe Love in One Paragraph?

I'm applying for chaplaincy school and have to write a dozen papers as part of the application. Chaplains can work in a variety of settings: military, hospitals, hospice, jails and prisons, emergency departments, large organizations, etc. The shortest paper for the application is to describe love in one paragraph. Could you do it? Below is my attempt:

I believe love means we have God’s heart to see as He sees and to love as He loves. God uses our hearts and hands to reach out to others but it is difficult to love as perfectly as God does and to see others as God sees them. In 1 Samuel 16:7, it reads “For the Lord does not see as man seeth, for man looketh at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” In order to love as God does, we need our heart expanded. So we must fervently pray and ask for this gift of charity or perfect love of Christ (Moroni 7:47-48.) In Paul’s writings (1 Corinthians 13:4-8), he gives some examples of what charity is (suffers long, is kind, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and never fails) and what it is not (doesn’t envy, doesn’t vaunt itself, is not puffed up, doesn’t behave unseemly, is not selfish, is not easily provoked, doesn’t think evil, doesn’t rejoice in iniquity.) But these do’s and don’ts do not capture the full essence and magnitude of this great love of God. Other LDS scriptures (Mosiah 18:8-9) describe this true love of Christ in terms of willingness to bear the burdens of others, mourn with others and comfort others. All of these scriptures combined (not to mention the commandment to love others as God does) comprise my feelings on love. I want to see others as God sees them and be His loving embrace, His shoulder to cry on, His hands to hold, and His feet to run to others in times of distress. Use me, Lord. The truest longing of my heart is to be thy servant of love.