Friday, September 30, 2016

Inspired Shopping Adventure

Janessa and I couldn’t believe the sign on the door of Ross in Bountiful, Utah on September 30, 2016. The hastily scrawled sign said “Cash Only. Our Credit/Debit machine is down.” A little dazed and confused, we walked into Ross. Inside, it was like a ghost town, with only a handful of people milling around. They looked a little dazed and confused, too.

One never knows what treasures are to be found at Ross. As we walked back to the toys, Janessa said, “I hope they have Littlest Pet Shop Toys.” I said, “I hope so, too” as I said a silent prayer that her request would be granted. I wanted to get a new bedspread but had no luck. While Janessa searched in the toys, I went to look at the next item on my list: new towels. I know, very exciting What really makes them exciting is that I’m giving them to Ron as a surprise birthday gift (he likes surprises, no matter how mundane). Word to the wise: this is what you get when you won’t ask for anything for your birthday-ha ha.

Then, Janessa and I reunited with our finds. She found a large Littlest Pet Shop set for half the price. Then, I suggested we walk back to the towels so she could pick some towels for the kids. On our way, we “happened” to pass the tall shelves with pull-out wicker drawers (I call it a wicker organizer.) This made Janessa stop in her tracks. She said, “This would be perfect for my LPS” (Littlest Pet Shops, for those in the know).

Then, came the issue of how to pay for all of it in cash. I usually just carry a $20 bill on me for emergencies. (Janessa later said, “This was an emergency.”) I had brought some items to exchange but it wouldn’t be enough for all we wanted to buy. Then, I remembered a pair of boots I needed to return to Famous Footwear that were in the car. So, we put our items on hold (except for the wicker organizer) and booked it to the car and then to Famous Footwear where we made a refund.

With cash in hand, we returned to Ross. We quickly walked to the back of the store and the wicker organizer was still there. We each had a cart full of items and we headed toward the front of the store. There was a super long line in comparison to the few people that were in the store. This was likely due to there being only one cashier.

Then another cashier showed up at customer service. I got in the empty line for “Returns/Exchanges.” I felt a little bad as all the people in the regular line glared at me as I was taken next in line.

I hadn’t really added things up. I was just trusting in the Universe. The cash register was super slow and I began to wonder if it would work. I said another silent prayer. I returned the items for in-store credit as the credit card machine still wasn’t working. I came up short. But I still had cash from the boots. I ended up with $20 left over from the boots. Yay!

Janessa waited by the front with our items while I drove the van to pick up the wicker organizer. Truth be told, I didn’t really want to carry the wicker organizer to my van. As I was about to pick it up, a strapping young Ross employee was heading for the exit and I enlisted his help.

We got home safely. I told my son Ryan about our grand shopping adventure. When I told him I bought towels for Dad’s birthday, he didn’t believe me. Then I showed him the towels and he believed me.

Janessa later told me she had said a silent prayer that the cash register would work too. Like mother, like daughter. We both like a good find and an answered prayer.