Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quotable Casandra, Part 1

(From journals, April 2011)

"I wish our lives were like a DVR, so we could skip the parts we don’t like."

"I live life moment by moment. I have no guarantees."

"Life is very suspenseful. It’s like an operation. Will I pull out of it? Only heaven knows."

"Things are making sense…weird!"

"I’ve never felt so grounded before. I could be a tree."


"I will get there when I get there."

"I follow the hearse. I watch it go past my street and I scream to the skies:

"We think we’re in control.
We think we’re all alone.
Wrong, on both counts."

"Look up at the sky. All we get is a sunrise and sunset each day. Anything else is bonus."