I was feeling particularly quotable today.
Today I dipped my cup in the pool of contentment. Tomorrow I’m jumping in.
Things must exist first in our minds before manifesting in our lives.
After my mother-in-law hemmed my work pants for my new job, I said, “I have pants...and I’m prepared to use them.”
I’ve been complaining about the same issues for years. They’ve been like an iceberg. Did the iceberg just move?
I said to my husband: “I have something exciting to tell you. I bounced up the stairs today and sang the Smurf song “La la la-la la la” for three seconds.” My husband looked as if to ask “And?” “That’s it!” I said. My spouse still looked confused. I explained, “I was worry-free for 3 seconds. Tomorrow I’m shooting for 4.”
I’ve been looking for contentment all of my life. Is it possible I‘ve found it?
My hair has gone through periods of trauma, just like me. I secretly wondered, when my hair was healthy again, I might be healthy too. My hair looks sleek and shiny today. Watch out world!
I go to bed happy. Is it possible to wake up happy too? I keep waiting for it to stick, like in “The Groundhog Day” movie.
The dance of healing: we take two steps forward and one step back. I won’t expect perfection in the journey of healing.