Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Yard Sale Miracle of Four Items I Really Wanted


It was a drizzly day last Saturday here in northern Utah. The rain fell cold as it prepared for snow. In the morning, I had some free time. So, I decided to attend a yard sale (which I never do).

Recently, I have wanted four items: an electric skillet to cook in my room, a soft lap blanket for my recliner and two types of art easels: one to draw and color upright and a flat seated lap art desk. With these items in mind, I braved the raindrops with $20 in hand and went to a local yard sale.

The first item I eyed was an upright easel for $5. Next, I noticed an electric skillet. I asked if the skillet was used or new. Upon opening the box, we discovered the electric skillet was indeed new. I talked them down to $8. This was a fantastic deal as I had been eyeing electric skillets on Amazon for upwards of $40.

As I walked into the recesses of their garage, I found a soft lap blanket for a couple bucks. Lastly, I found a lap art desk like I had wanted. It was for $1. I found all four items I had wanted at this yard sale. Plus, I spent less than my $20 on them. I got a real bargain that day.

I began to ponder my experience from the day. Could it be coincidence? Really? Could it be the power of intention of which the former Wayne Dyer spoke? Could it be a higher power, God or the Universe?

I’ll let you decide that. But as for me, when I send out intentions of good things I desire out of my mind, the Universe or God provides. In fact, that has been my catch phrase lately: “God provides.”

If God or the Universe can help me go to the perfect local yard sale to get all four items I wanted at an amazing price, do you think that this higher power can help guide us to the perfect job or companion? I’m quite certain that this is a reality.

Let’s put our trust in a higher power and expect and look for miracles. I know the Universe will not disappoint or neglect us. God takes care of the little birds. These little birds don’t know where their next meal is coming from, where they will retire for the night, but I bet these little birds spend any time doubting that their needs will be met or even worry what their next move will be.

Doubt and worry are the antithesis of faith. In many faith traditions, the first principle is faith. We must first believe or be willing to take a step in the dark as we reach toward the light.

In this November month of Thanksgiving, let’s give our gratitude to the higher power without and within us. This higher power or Benevolent Force (as I choose to refer to this phenomenon) brought me the four items I wanted at a yard sale and is willing to give us hard lessons or life experiences from which to learn and grow. 

Let’s be full of faith, look to the heavens and be willing to dodge the raindrops to a yard sale perfectly prepared for us. Happy Thanksgiving!


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Put your Car in Neutral in God's Car Wash

My car was so dirty, it was spotted with dirt as if it was sprinkled by a rain shower but not sprinkled enough. It was either face strangers writing "wash me" on my car or break down and wash it. I decided to not face ridicule and headed to my local car wash instead and got way more than I paid for.

After lining up my left tires for the car wash tunnel, we all know the drill...the car wash attendant pointed to a sign to take your foot off the brake and put your car in neutral. Rolled up windows is quickly learned.

I put my car in neutral and entered the car wash tunnel. I always feel a bit like I'm in the boat ride in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as I do this. Try to recall your first trip to a car wash tunnel with all of the moving gadgets. It can be a bit startling at first. The sights, sounds and smells delight the child in all of us. My local car wash even smells like candy.

It's remarkable to enter the car wash so dirty and come out sparkling and shiny clean. What a transformation.! I got to thinking this last trip to the carwash...

What if this was God's or a higher power's carwash and we were the figurative car and the car wash tunnel was our lifespan?Would we be willing to put our car into neutral and let go of control to God (please insert your belief here)? Would we trust the process? Or would we question every step of the way? Why is this gadget used here?

Would we argue why things are done a certain way in our lives? Are we startled by a certain area of our car being treated in a particular manner? Perhaps we don't realize that a painful challenge in life like divorce, mental or physical illness or heartbreak over children actually buffed out a spot on us or our character and made us shinier.

Are we tempted to put our car in drive gear and go at a faster pace, thinking we know better than our Creator? Do we not realize that each step of our carwash and lives serves a purpose? Do we clench our hands on the steering wheel, trying to turn the wheel, thinking we're in control? This reminds me of the country song, "Jesus take the wheel" about giving control over and trusting God.

Would we believe we could be transformed into something amazing, better than on our own? Since we don't see the end result until the end, it's possible to lose hope and want to leave the car wash early by ending our life. Don't despair or lose faith.

God will take you the rest of the way to a sparkling destination and a shiny you, with all your dull spots buffed out.  So, remember to put your car in neutral in God's car wash. Unclench your hands from the steering wheel and enjoy the ride. It's an awesome one.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Finding my Dream Shirt Sparked a Spiritual Discovery

I found a most beautiful shirt flocked with creme lace at Ross but in one size too small. I must admit I was bummed. Later that same shopping trip, l  thought to look at dresses, which I never do. Among the dresses was the shirt I wanted but in the size I needed. My dream shirt was the only shirt out of place in the dress section.

With this small miracle, I started to believe in the universe again, that someone or something is watching out for me  I had given up all hope on the infinite. It has been a few years since I believed ...in well, anything.

I had an existential crisis in 2019 and threw the figurative spiritual baby out with the bathwater. Even though I didn't believe in a particular or any religion anymore, I threw out God, the Universe or anything divine. I simply stopped believing.  In comparison to earlier years of believing, I felt very dark, lonely and confused. This existential crisis was very painful to my mind as I sought to unravel my brain's synapses with core religious beliefs.

Then I met with a spiritual advisor recently and shifted further. She gave my daughter Carinna an identical deck of star seed oracle cards to what I bought a few years ago.

Today, I opened up to a card in the guidebook about double the mission and being a light worker. I've always been driven to create and fulfill my specific mission in life as spoken of in my patriarchal blessing  for my faith at age 12.

I've felt since a strong spiritual experience on Good Friday in 1999 that I could write books to help women especially. Little did I know that my future life experiences with upcoming bipolar in 2003 would be just what I needed to prepare me to fulfill this mission. I want to be a spiritual guru.  Is that too much to want? Is any dream too big?

It's funny how life reminds us that we're not alone and someone is smiling down on us. Something as simple as finding my dream shirt in a store sparked long dormant spiritual feelings in me. It feels good to believe again in something greater than myself. And my dream shirt is very lovely too.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Carinna is an Inspiration to Everyone She Encounters

My daughter Carinna is a huge inspiration to me and to everyone she meets. She just turned 22 and has really blossomed into a stellar adult. Well, those who knew Carinna from a young age, already knew she was stellar.

She lights up a room with her smile and amazing attitude. Carinna made the sweetest Happy Mother’s Day gifts for me that took a few days to make. Several years ago, Carinna often spoke of “Believing is seeing,” rather than “Seeing is believing.” Carinna also believes in the power of intention and of manifesting what we want into our lives. Carinna is a person of strong faith and hope. She’s also had remarkable dreams of a heavenly nature.

Carinna has the strongest attitude of gratitude I’ve witnessed. She gets super excited about any gifts. I recall Christmas time when she opens presents. She’ll whoop and holler at the top of her lungs as she opens a gift. Then, she’ll ask, “What is it?” It’s so cute to watch how she gets excited over gifts she doesn’t even know what they are.  It’s a delight to give gifts to someone so appreciative.

She started writing compliments on restaurant receipts a few years ago. We were at an Indian restaurant, and she wrote a compliment to the chef saying, “Thanks for being a good cook. Keep believing your dreams will come true.” The cook was so touched that he sent out a free dessert for Carinna. Since then, when we go to that Indian restaurant, they give her a free Mango Lassi drink. Carinna has written compliments to the server and the server even bought her a Christmas present.

Restaurants aren’t the only place giving her free items. Recently, she went into a local convenience store to get a diet drink. When Carinna got to the counter, the clerk said the drink was free because Carinna had such a nice smile, whereas most people don’t smile.

Carinna has had some challenges this past year which she has passed with flying colors. Earlier this past year, she was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. This required a major change in her eating habits. Prior to this diagnosis, she loved McDonald’s. When she was fifteen years old, she even had a “Chip Party,” with different types of chips.

Carinna has completely changed her eating habits and has become very knowledgeable about carbohydrates and foods acceptable for diabetes. Carinna has done so well with her new way of eating, that her diabetes is in remission. She continues to eat healthy with allowing herself one cheat meal per week. She’s lost over 120 pounds since last May. She weighs herself each week and continues to lose weight. Carinna is so proud of herself for her achievements, as she should be.

Carinna made another huge accomplishment. She used to have issues with self-harm on a regular basis. But it has been over a year since Carinna has done any self-harm. Congratulations, Carinna for continuing to grow into an amazing young adult. Carinna, you’re an inspiration to anyone who encounters you and your amazing spirit.