Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Little Sister is Funny Too! (Debut of little sister and Carinna with a s...


Grandma and the Goat (my amazing daughter with special needs has a speci...


Grandma and the Talking Banana (featuring special needs daughter and Mom...


Join the Love Revolution

You know how people judge each other by classification based on wealth, beauty, status, intelligence, and power? Well, what if society judged others on how well we loved each other? By how much love we held in our heart and loved others. How well would certain people stack up? The highest ranking would probably go to the people most looked down upon now. For instance, special needs individuals are looked down upon for their low IQ (intelligence quotient) but give out the most love and have the most zest for life. However, they have a high LQ (love quotient-I just made that up).

In a society based on love, individuals with special needs would be ranked highly. Wealthy people who happen to be selfish (I realize not all wealthy people are selfish) would be ranked low. However, the selfish may not be looked down upon because the society is based on love and those in high positions of love would just love them as the selfish are the needy ones now. As I've shared this concept with others, they immediately say "that will never happen" or "it will be a very long time until it does." I agree things won't change overnight. But I am personally committed to do all I can to make a society based on love happen. Will you join the cause of the love revolution? Enlist today.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Funnest General Conference Ever!

Preparations began in the morning. I researched and printed out fun activities for the kids. Janessa pasted together the bingo cards. Carinna divvied out the M&M’s and other candies for bingo and just for eating, putting a few extra in her own bag. Ron roused our teenage son Ryan out of bed. We all met at 10 am MST in our family room to watch two hours of church on TV (the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held two weekends a year for the 15 million members worldwide.) Normally, this is an endurance test for kids and parents alike. But today was surprisingly different.

Carinna and Janessa had a sheet to checkmark every time they saw things like a men’s tie, glasses, the organ… When the TV camera panned across the 21,000 LDS members attending the conference where it was being broadcast, Janessa tried to keep up checking off all the ties she saw on all the men there. Bingo became quite competitive to see who would hear a bingo topic first and win. I was surprised how well the children listened and picked up on the topics being addressed.

Then the real fun began. Every time I stood up to mark my bingo page on the coffee table, one or more of my children would pile clothes or stuffed animals on my seat for me to sit back on. Janessa would say “The speaker said ‘love’ Mom, mark it on your bingo.” I’d get up to mark it on my bingo and sure enough, I sat back down on a pile of clothes or stuffed animals. Then Janessa would say, “I tricked you, Mom. The speaker didn’t say ‘love.’” I feigned surprise each time and the game went on and on. We tickled, joked and laughed.

There were coloring contests of who could color the best picture of the prophet and first presidency, including accurate tie color. Did you notice the prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, wore a purple tie? During the closing song, we took turns lip syncing in an operatic style to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The more dramatic, the better. I thought I was watching Mr. Bean lip sync in the movie “Mr. Bean’s Holiday.” Toward the end of the Sunday morning session of General Conference, I blurted out, “This was the funnest General Conference ever!” Everyone laughed and agreed.

During the closing prayer, I held Janessa close in my arms. After the prayer, Ryan and Carinna played Adventure Time and were having a sword fight with Carinna’s new Finn’s Golden Sword. Ron asked Carinna if she wanted to go to Grandma’s house. Carinna said “No, I want to hang out with Ryan.” I never thought I would hear those words come from her lips with how they usually get along. More fun ensued with eating chips with lunch (Carinna’s favorite) and talk of making brownies or cookie dough with M&M’s later in the afternoon. Isn't life good?!

Before conference, Janessa was looking for an object and we said a prayer and found it. I said “Prayer works” and Janessa shared her witness of prayer working in finding other lost objects. During lunch, Carinna and I spoke of how we only have afflictions during this life and how our bodies will be perfect when we’re resurrected like Jesus. Carinna asked, “You mean I won’t have anxiety anymore?” I replied in the affirmative. Then Carinna exclaimed, “I can’t wait to get to heaven!” I kinda felt like I had a glimpse of heaven today. I can’t say our watching General Conference was the most reverent, but the kids were engaged, having fun and feeling love. It truly was the “funnest General Conference ever!”

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Don’t Worry, Be Happy…Now

Many people live in the past of what might have been or remember past regrets or hurts. Many people live in the future of worrying about what may or may not ever happen. When it comes to happiness, most people live in the future deciding they will only be happy when they get a better job, a better body, a better relationship, etc. 

I believe few people have found the secret to being happy now and being content with what they have. Dale Carnegie said, “Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get”

Why keep putting off happiness? Why spend so much time and mental exertion worrying?  Jesus taught that we should not worry about what tomorrow may or not bring. Phillipians 4:6 says “be anxious for nothing” and Matthew 6:34 says "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."

Worry and fear are the antithesis of faith. If we want less worry in our lives, we need to have more faith. We need to trust God has a plan for our lives, He knows what He is doing and that He really wants our happiness.  Henry Ford said, "I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about."

I love what Mahatma Gandhi had to say, "There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever." Ouch! Easier said than done but that quote was a wakeup call for me.

The song, “Don’t worry, be happy” may seem too carefree an answer for life’s questions but I believe there is much truth in the Jamaican song by Bobby McFerrin: 

“In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, Be Happy.” 

Eckhart Tolle supports living in the present or now and said “When you accept what is, every moment is the best moment…That is the meaning of enlightenment.” 

I have found that being happy isn’t just a coincidence or a byproduct of good fortune; it’s a decision. I can choose to be happy. I can choose to be happy now. I can also choose not to worry. Leo Buscaglia said, "Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." I can choose to be thankful for everything God has given me at this moment. I can choose to have faith that God will care for me just as He cares for the “lilies of the field” (Matthew 6:28)

What about legitimate concerns to worry about, “Where will my next paycheck come from? How can I save my marriage? How can I help my wayward child?” God gave this answer and solution: “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?...For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:31-33)

Martin Luther said "Pray, and let God worry." I think it’s good to give it to God. But I doubt God worries at all. God is a magnificent being of total faith and forward movement. We can try to follow God’s perfect example. St. Augustine wisely said, Pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you.”  

Jason Gray wrote a Christian song called “Good to be Alive.” I echo his words:

“I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

I won’t take it for granted
I won’t waste another second
All I want is to give you
A life well lived, to say ‘thank you’”

I hope you’ll join me in a renewed effort to trust in God and to choose not to worry but to be happy now. We’re in God’s hands so what do we have to worry about? And what better way to show we’re grateful and trust in God than to be choose to be happy now?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Close Calls Averted by Prayer

This past week we had heavy snowfall in Northern Utah. The morning after the storm, I went to my gym, Four Pillar Fitness. Neither the entryway nor parking lot had been plowed. I attempted to enter the parking lot without much success. My wheels were spinning and I seemed stuck. I didn’t want to be stuck so I said a prayer of power and revved the car again. This time I was set free and made it into the parking lot.

Once in my gym, my personal trainer John told me he saw it all and laughed the whole way. He gave me the tip to not rev my engine going out. When I left the gym, I easily exited the parking lot and I didn’t rev the engine. Technically, I shouldn’t have gotten into the entryway with my techniques. But add prayer to the mix and anything’s possible.

Fast forward to another day this week. I dropped off my husband at his work so I could have a car while our van was being fixed. On the way home, I took the I-215 beltway. It was littered with accidents from black ice. On one section, I noticed the cars in front of me slowing down quickly. At that rate of speed, I knew that I would crash into the car in front of me. I didn’t know what to do as I saw the approaching danger. Then all of a sudden, the car in front of me slid on black ice and slid over to an adjoining lane. So, I didn’t run into a car. The car behind me barely missed hitting me. I attribute this to my morning prayers.

Later that morning, I left home to walk down the stairs to my garage to go on some errands. Only it’s not that easy. I have both arms full of stuff to return as I walk blindly toward the wooden stairs. Unknown to me, my right boot steps into the loops of a heavy garbage bag which is then pulled behind me. This throws me completely off center and I am propelled forward. My arms are still full of packages and a large garbage bag is stuck to my foot as I go down each step.

I am sure I would faceplant on my cement floor at the base of the stairs. I couldn’t control myself as I plunked down, down on each stair. I wondered what my fate would be when I crashed. Then it happened. I landed. I surveyed the damage. I was standing upright with packages still in my arms and a heavy garbage bag attached to my foot. I wasn’t hurt in the slightest. My reaction was to laugh and laugh and laugh. God took care of me. I didn’t need to worry at all.

Sometimes things don’t go right, even when we pray. But I am a firm believer in prayer. I have seen it in action. I have seen it protect me and my family in remarkable ways. If you’re not praying now, will you give God a chance to work miracles in your lives?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sugar Cookies vs. Me

Last Thursday, I had a meeting with my nutrition coach at Max Muscle in Bountiful. I had good news. In two weeks time, I lost 5 pounds, lost 1” from my stomach and lost 2% body fat. I was feeling pretty psyched. Then came temptation. Duh Duh Duh.

My kids had been bugging me for a long time to go to Orange Leaf in Bountiful, a frozen yogurt store where you pile on the toppings and pay by the ounce. On Saturday, I decided to take them there. But I knew I had to be prepared or I might succumb.

I had just taken a class earlier that day from the Green Smoothie Girl so I decided to make a green smoothie and take it with me to the frozen yogurt store. When I got to the store, I noticed they had a sugar free chocolate frozen yogurt flavor. I tried a small taste of it and it tasted so sugary. I passed the frozen yogurt test.

Now on to the toppings. Everything looked so good, especially the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. But with green smoothie in hand, I walked past them and paid for my children’s creations and bought nothing for myself. Victory! But the war isn’t over.

Sunday came. I had long promised to do sugar cookies with my kids over the holidays. Not a good idea. Normally, I’m not into sugar cookies. But it’s been over 1 ½ months since I’ve had sugar and almost anything seems tempting. 

Sugar cookies involve the senses, in the patting, the rolling, the cutting, the decorating, sugar cookie dough all over my hands. I felt like I was surrounded by sugar cookies. I felt weak and had a small piece of dough. Then I wanted more but I forced myself to stop. But I felt weakened the rest of the night. How could I go on in my diet?

Later that night, I read in a local wellness magazine about a professional weight loss coach named Tamara Watt and her personal transformation. It was very inspiring. I went to her website and saw this quote: “The pain of staying the same became greater than the pain of change, so I changed!” It stopped me in my sugar cookie tracks. I don’t want to remain the same. I want to change, to become my personal best.

I began looking for motivational quotes that might help me get back on track. In all, I realized I need to recognize my limits and avoid temptation. I found a very applicable quote from Claudia Gray, Evernight: “Self-knowledge is better than self-control any day," Raquel said firmly. "And I know myself well enough to know how I act around cookies.” Amen, sister!

Do what you need to do to stay motivated. It may be hard now but you’ll thank yourself later. Albert Einstein said that insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” How bad do you want it? Are you willing to change in order to get what you want? I hope I can triumph and win the skirmishes and the war over myself. That’s the biggest victory of all.