I had a conversation with someone new to me. I was in pain that day and spilled out some of my problems and concerns—money, health, and children. I felt bad afterward and planned to call her the next day to apologize for putting my burdens on her. Before I could do so, this relative stranger showed up on my doorstep with a $40 Gift Card for one of our needs. I’ve thought a lot about this since. I’ve heard compassion is love in action. This woman saw a need and took action. Much like Matthew 25:35-40, “I was a stranger, and ye took me in.” I gained a new appreciation for this stranger to me. I am more impressed with her. Now, I want to know her better. Someone who saw a need and took immediate action might just have a heart of gold. I also felt indebted to her, even over the amount of $40.
As I contemplated this, my thoughts turned to another being, the Savior of the World. He did far more for me than $40. But He often does small things for me to show His love and concern, to answer my prayers. God may choose to answer our big concerns in small ways. “By small and simple means are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6). When I speak with God in prayer, does He seem like a stranger to me? Do I want to share my deepest concerns with Him? Am I impressed by him?
Do I want to get to know Him better because of what He does for me? Another scripture says, “For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?” (Mosiah 5:13). Do I feel indebted to God for His giving so much more than $40 to me? How do I feel about Him giving His life for me? How grateful do I feel? It’s fun to reread the first paragraph of this post with God as the giving stranger.
Imagine what a difference a small donation of time, money or service for our fellowman could make. I have another friend who is keen to see other's needs and quick to act on them. She has helped me with tending kids and when my dryer died. Today, I told her I was looking for an important document and she asked what time she should be at my house to help me look for it. She is the “real deal.” God knows He can count on her. Wouldn’t it be great if God could say that of each of us? Give of yourself today.